
Welcome to the Website of Shenzhen ZhiDaLong Hardware Spring Co., Ltd.


Shenzhen Zhidalong Hardware Spring Co., Ltd.

Service Hotline:  0755-27654139
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Contact us

Contact: Huang Zhibin (General Manager)
Tel: 86 0755 27654139 / 27656838 / 27656642
Cell: 86 13809864613 
Fax: 86 0755 27654137
QQ: 1152845476 / 906270364
Email: zdhzb@vip.163.com
Alibaba: https://zhidalongwj.1688.com
Address: Emmett Technology Park, Shiyan Street Office, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Electronic product shrapnel

Clips for battery charger of cell for car,springs, metal sets for car charger

    Please submit your basic information, we will contact you as soon as possible!





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